The Importance of Chakra and Balanced Health
Society is moving towards New Age philosophies and better habits through metaphysical modalities, and the topic of Chakras is becoming more commonplace with people showing curiosity about this philosophy. Chakras are a complex and ancient energy system, dating back to 1000 BC and originating in India. The seven major Chakras are energy points in your body locat-ed along the spinal cord in your body, from the head to the tailbone. The number of Chakras throughout the body may be as many as 114 but the seven main ones are the focus of our conversation.
Each Chakra has a name, color, and specific location that runs from the base of the spine, the sacrum, to the top of the head, the crown. Each energy point corresponds to specific health areas. The terminology of Chakras includes the concepts of either open or closed. Being open means you are in alignment with good health. If the Chakra is closed, you may be experiencing some physical issue or illness. This malady will depend on the specific Chakra’s location. To understand this, let’s discuss each Charka briefly.
The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine at the tailbone area and is red in color. This specific Chakra is related to physical identity and stability. If the Chakra is open, we have a sense of well-being and stability. A closed Root Chakra may manifest as constipation, bladder problems, or emotionally feeling insecure. The next Chakra is the Sacral Chakra and is located below the bellybutton and is orange in color and is connected to sexuality, pleasure, and creativity. An open Sacral Chakra will mean feelings of our self-worth are balanced and whole. If this Chakra is closed, we may have lower back pain or impotency. The Solar Plexus Chakra is yellow and located in the upper abdomen and stomach area. This Chakra is related to self-esteem and confidence, and when open we will have a sense of personal power. When closed we may experi-ence digestive disorders such as indigestion and heartburn.
As we move up through the Chakras, the next is the Heart Chakra and is green in color and associated with love and compassion. As you may imagine, this is in our chest and is also called the heart center. The Heart Chakra is the balance between all the Chakras and is located directly in the middle of them. When open, the Heart Chakra is our ability to love and connect with others. But when closed, we may feel lonely and isolated, and may experience physical health issues with heart issues and weight problems.
Next is the Throat Chakra, blue in color, and located in the throat area. As logic has it and with no surprise as we are seeing with the other Chakras, the Throat Chakra is about communica-tion. It is related directly to how we communicate with others. So, when blocked, there may be problems such as with the mouth or teeth, or swallowing issues. We also may see problems with someone gossiping or thinking mean thoughts or speaking mean things, or the person may have problems with speaking up for themselves. When open, you can speak clearly, compassionately, and authentically. The Third Eye Chakra is located between the eyes, on the forehead and often referred to as the brow chakra and is associated with intuition and imagination. Indigo in color, the Third Eye Chakra can manifest blockages such as headaches, hearing problems, inability to see clearly, or have problems concentrating. When open, we can follow our intuition easily and be able to see beyond our wants and needs and see the larger picture and how we fit into it.
The last is the Crown Chakra and is located at the very top of the head and is violet or white in color and is our awareness and intellect. You can think of the Crown Chakra as the oper-ating chakra that is linked to all the others, it controls our brain and nervous system. This Chakra is thought of as the enlightenment and spiritual control center. When closed, a person may seem skeptical or narrow-minded but when open we experience personal bliss.
But the real question is – why is it important to understand these energy points called Chakras? Although studies may not support any scientific facts to prove the validity of Chakras, there is evidence of the physical, mental, and spiritual health benefits of this phenomenon and philosophy. Each Chakra is associated with specific glands within the endocrine system. This is the system that is responsible for the routine maintenance of various bodily functions. The Chak-ra system is believed to provide energy to our bodies, minds, organs, and intellect so we can function at a high quality of life. This system is spiritual and psychic in nature and can shape our overall health. Blocked Chakras are imbalances that can be brought on by stress, trauma, nega-tivity, or even a poor diet. Unblocking a Chakra works to remove the blockage and allow the flow of energy that promotes good physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Research has shown that meditation and/or Reiki practices impacts brain waves, increas-ing alpha and theta brain waves that are associated with relaxation, intuition, and creativity. As you can see from the seven main Chakras, each function to allow the body’s natural flow of ener-gy. Like physically exercising our bodies, keeping Chakras unblocked allows the mind, body, and spirit to thrive and function at a higher level. We know from numerous studies that not mov-ing our bodies is harmful, not using our minds can make us feel bad, and not feeding our spiritual nature leaves us depleted and sad. Chakras need attention to support our body, mind, and spiritual needs. The physical benefits include a higher functioning immune system and relief from pain and tension. The emotional benefits include a reduction in stress and anxiety while increasing self-awareness and empathy. The spiritual benefits include a greater sense of our purpose and meaning of our lives, and an enhanced intuition and connection with our spiritual awareness.