Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual wellness answers the questions associated with a deeper meaning in life. This is the basis of having a sense of meaningfulness in life and having a clear picture of your purpose in life. Spiritual wellness includes our faith, beliefs, principles, ethics, and morals. Having a strong sense of spiritual wellness brings inner calm and peace as a foundation to go through life’s challenges.
Developing spiritual wellness draws us closer and connects us to a higher power and those around us. Honoring our spirituality consistent with our beliefs and values brings clarity in everyday choices. Spiritual wellness protects us from apathy and hopelessness. The challenges of an earthly existence brings daily frustrations, worry, and indecisiveness. Being spiritually connected allows us to handle the day-to-day ups and downs with clarity, grace, and gratitude.
Spiritual wellness also means we exercise our spiritual sides just as we would our physical bodies. Having a sense of spirit can weaken or become stronger depending on how a person nurtures their spirit. Praying, journaling, meditating, walking in nature, are all examples of how to strengthen our spiritual wellness. Neglecting our spiritual side will leave us open to negative behaviors and patterns in our daily lives.
With my clients, we go through an extensive intake to develop the start of our coaching relationship to determine what each individual needs and their reasons for searching out for a spiritual wellness coach. Each person is unique and is treated as such through one-on-one interaction and confidential sharing of information. I have many tools in my toolbox to help my clients but first my goal is to identify what tools they may feel more comfortable discussing and using. The overall goal I offer to my clients is the attention to the details of their stories, heard through compassionate love and respect for their place in life. Together we will breakdown the concepts, events, traumas, and perceptions to mold their insight into self-love, acceptance, and a sense of belonging with their own toolbox to use throughout life.
There are five important techniques that I use with my clients. I use these depending on the personality and beliefs of each client. First I usually go through the assessment wheel (Wheel of Life) for where they are when they first come to me. I use this as a follow-up throughout the coaching to see if any areas have improved. This is a great visual to share with the client so they can see the definitive evidence of their progress.
I also use a vision board and passion planning with the client. This is very helpful in the client’s ability to focus on their own desires and goals for the future. Physically creating these two resources is very beneficial in cementing in the client’s mind and making it mentally assessable and obtainable. I encourage them to manually write these items down to help create the neurons and rewire the pathways to align with their goals. The third technique I use is to have the client practice gratitude on a daily basis for a set number of days and keep a journal on their experience. At the end of those days, we go over the experience and discuss any changes the client feels or questions they have.
The fourth technique is guided meditation with visualization. Depending on the needs of the client, I may include the Violet Consuming Flame in the visualization. Or I may use forgiveness in meditation if this something that will benefit the client. I find visualization to be a powerful tool and use guided meditation with the appropriate visualization tool to the client’s need. The final technique I use is Jungian Archetype and Shadow guide to assess the client’s identity and guide them on the use of recognizing strengths and weaknesses to better understand ego and behaviors.
The tools and resources are many and varied for use on each individual client’s needs and goals. These five mentioned are just a few and the ones used are always chosen based on what will benefit the client. The client who comes to me for spiritual assistance is always properly assessed in the early sessions and techniques tailored for each. I see being a spiritual wellness coach as a guide or mentor to direct each client to discover and develop their spiritual wellness to be able to live a better life with more direction, discernment, love, and respect for themselves and others.