The Akashic Records
The Akashic Records is the universe’s organization of information. There is not a physical place, book, or library but rather a metaphysical or quantum level that is accessible through intention and practice and being in-tune to experience the information. The records contain every thought, word, and deed of all living beings and include good, bad, and terrible in all times; past, present, and future (Gaia, n.d., 2023). Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical movement in the late 19th century, was the first to discuss the Akashic Records, which she learned from Tibetan monks. Her advocates considered her to be a spiritual genius responsible for the integration of western and eastern traditions for the foundations of the New Age movement. Her skeptics called her a fraud but this did not stop her from having an influence on spiritual progression (Gaia, n.d., 2023).
Theosophists were not the only group to study and support the concept and existence of the metaphysical concept of the Akashic Records. Rudolf Steiner, a metaphysician, referred to the Records as every action, word, and thought which leaves an impression in etheric realms (Gaia, n.d., 2023). Ervin Laszlo, a contemporary physicist, believed the Records were a model for human ideas, to include harmony and equanimity. Also referred to as the Book of Life from the Old Testament, book of Exodus, the Records keep track of every life. The experiences that we gather during our time alive are stored within the Akashic Records.
The purpose of the Akashic Records is explained by different philosophies but focus on the concept of keeping track of all living entities. Accessing the Records can be helpful in many ways such as having a place to ask important questions and gather information unfiltered by your experiences or beliefs, regarding relationships, life, business, and past lives (Yugay, 2022). Anyone can assess the Records through intentionality, meditation, or through a guide. The most documented psychic and 20th century mystic, Edgar Cayce, used the Akashic Records frequently for readings. According to Todeschi (2023), Cayce believed “God is essentially love and the Universe is completely orderly” and the Records were to keep track of and assist with our soul’s personal growth and transformation. Our physical body is just a temporary home for us to have and use while we experiment with our true state of being and spiritual growth.
The Akashic Records contain all the necessary information for a person to begin to understand themselves better, particularly useful when going through trials and tribulations. Using the Records can assist with spiritual growth and provide information useful for understanding your patterns and healing them. According to Todeschi (2023), using tools such as the Akashic Records is a way to the ultimate goal of understanding yourself and your evolution to a greater version of your goals and spiritual awareness. Throughout time, the essential question has always been ”who am I” and “why am I here” and the Akashic Records is a great resource for gaining firsthand knowledge of your own identity, past, current, and future. Cayce believed the soul will better understand its individual identity as well as its relationship with God and spirituality, and the primary essence is love (Todeschi, 2023).
Gaia, n.d. (2023). Akashic Records for Beginners: Can We Access Our Akashic Records? Retrieved from:
Todeschi, K.J. (2023). Mystic Edgar Cayce Explains the Akashic Records. Retrieved from:
Yugay, I. (2022). Akashic Records, Explained by Spirituality Teacher Jeffery Allen. Retrieved from:[google-paid]-[cert]-[kby-search-cert-cold-lead-pmax-allconsolidated-enus-all-clc]-[20591930361]-[mix-cold-allconsolidated-2554-fmu-cert-clc]-[]-[]-[clc]&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqP2pBhDMARIsAJQ0CzrMXgquzFzo9rt8zt3dRqU4199iLecIhw6ktz96DSUyzRTUVR7arhUaAgUlEALw_wcB